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Corte De Caja Subcomandante Marcos Pdf Download: A Revolutionary Book by a Revolutionary Leader

If you are interested in learning more about the Zapatista movement and its charismatic spokesman, Subcomandante Marcos, you might want to download the PDF of his book Corte De Caja. This book is a collection of interviews that Marcos gave to the journalist Laura Castellanos between 1994 and 2007, covering topics such as the origins, goals, strategies, challenges and achievements of the Zapatista uprising in Chiapas, Mexico.

Corte De Caja, which means “tallying results” in Spanish, is a term that Marcos uses to describe the process of evaluating the Zapatista experience and its impact on Mexican society and politics. In this book, Marcos reflects on the successes and failures of the Zapatista rebellion, the changes and continuities in his own role and identity, the relations with other social movements and civil society organizations, the dialogue and confrontation with the Mexican government and the international community, and the prospects for a more democratic, just and pluralistic Mexico.

The book also reveals some personal aspects of Marcos’ life, such as his childhood, education, influences, hobbies, tastes and passions. Marcos shows himself as a complex and contradictory figure, who combines humor and irony with seriousness and commitment, who challenges authority and orthodoxy with creativity and imagination, who blends poetry and literature with politics and history, who respects diversity and difference with solidarity and empathy.

Corte De Caja Subcomandante Marcos Pdf Download is a valuable resource for anyone who wants to understand the Zapatista phenomenon and its implications for Mexico and the world. It is also a fascinating testimony of a revolutionary leader who has inspired millions of people with his words and actions.

What is the Zapatista movement?

The Zapatista movement is a political and militant group that emerged in 1994 in Chiapas, the southernmost state of Mexico. The movement is composed mostly of indigenous people who identify themselves as Zapatistas, after Emiliano Zapata, the agrarian revolutionary who fought for land reform and social justice during the Mexican Revolution (1910-1920).

The Zapatistas rose up against the Mexican government on January 1, 1994, the same day that the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) came into effect. The Zapatistas denounced NAFTA as a death sentence for the indigenous people of Mexico, who would lose their lands and livelihoods to foreign corporations and agribusiness. The Zapatistas also demanded greater political and cultural autonomy for the indigenous people of Chiapas and the rest of Mexico, who had been oppressed and marginalized by centuries of colonialism, racism, and neoliberalism.

The Zapatistas launched a surprise attack on several towns and cities in Chiapas, declaring war on the Mexican state. They quickly gained national and international attention and sympathy, especially after their charismatic spokesperson, Subcomandante Marcos, issued a series of communiqués that articulated the Zapatistas’ vision of a more democratic, pluralistic, and humane society. The Mexican army responded with a brutal counterinsurgency campaign that resulted in hundreds of deaths and thousands of displacements. However, the Zapatistas managed to resist and retreat to their strongholds in the Lacandon jungle, where they established autonomous municipalities and communities that practiced self-government, collective work, education, health care, and cultural preservation.

What are the achievements and challenges of the Zapatista movement?

The Zapatista movement has achieved significant victories in terms of raising awareness and mobilizing support for the indigenous cause in Mexico and beyond. The Zapatistas have inspired and influenced other social movements and organizations that struggle for human rights, democracy, environmental justice, feminism, anti-globalization, and alternative globalization. The Zapatistas have also created spaces for dialogue and exchange with other sectors of civil society, such as intellectuals, artists, activists, students, workers, peasants, women, youth, and religious groups. The Zapatistas have organized several national and international gatherings and initiatives to share their experiences and proposals with others who seek a different world.

However, the Zapatista movement also faces many challenges and difficulties in its quest for autonomy and dignity. The Mexican government has not fulfilled its promises to recognize and respect the rights and demands of the indigenous people of Chiapas, as agreed upon in the San Andrés Accords signed in 1996. The Zapatistas have also been subjected to constant harassment, repression, violence, and paramilitary attacks by state forces and their allies. The Zapatistas have also faced internal divisions and conflicts among themselves and with other indigenous groups over political strategies, ideological differences, territorial disputes, and cultural diversity. The Zapatistas have also had to cope with the effects of poverty, disease, migration, climate change, and globalization on their communities.

Who is Subcomandante Marcos?

Subcomandante Marcos is the pseudonym of Rafael Sebastián Guillén Vicente, the former military leader and spokesman of the Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN). He was born on June 19, 1957, in Tampico, Tamaulipas, Mexico. He studied philosophy and literature at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), where he graduated with honors and received a national medal of excellence. He also taught aesthetics at the Autonomous Metropolitan University (UAM) for several years, before leaving his academic career and joining the National Liberation Forces (FLN), a guerrilla group that later gave rise to the EZLN.

Subcomandante Marcos moved to Chiapas in 1984, where he worked with the indigenous communities and learned their languages and cultures. He became one of the founders and organizers of the EZLN, a rebel group that sought to defend the rights and interests of the indigenous people of Chiapas against the neoliberal policies of the Mexican government. He adopted his nom de guerre in honor of Emiliano Zapata, the revolutionary hero who fought for land reform and social justice during the Mexican Revolution.

Subcomandante Marcos emerged as the public face and voice of the Zapatista uprising that began on January 1, 1994, when the EZLN seized several towns and cities in Chiapas. He issued a series of communiqués that explained the motives and demands of the Zapatistas, as well as their vision of a more democratic, pluralistic, and humane society. He also participated in the peace negotiations with the Mexican government, which resulted in the signing of the San Andrés Accords in 1996, a set of agreements that recognized the rights and autonomy of the indigenous people of Mexico. However, these agreements were never fully implemented by the government.

Subcomandante Marcos became an international icon and symbol of resistance against neoliberal globalization and oppression. He also became a prolific writer and communicator, producing not only political essays and speeches, but also novels, poems, stories, letters, and interviews. He collaborated with other intellectuals, artists, activists, and social movements from Mexico and abroad. He also launched several initiatives and campaigns to promote dialogue and solidarity among different sectors of civil society.

What is Subcomandante Marcos doing now?

Subcomandante Marcos announced his retirement from his role as military leader and spokesman of the EZLN on May 25, 2014. He declared that he no longer existed as Subcomandante Marcos, but as Subcomandante Insurgente Galeano, a new name that he adopted in honor of José Luis Solís López (also known as Galeano or Teacher Galeano), a Zapatista teacher who was killed by paramilitary forces on May 2, 2014. He explained that his change of identity was part of a process of transition and renewal within the Zapatista movement, which aimed to give more prominence and voice to the indigenous commanders and bases of support.

Subcomandante Insurgente Galeano continues to live and work in Chiapas, where he remains involved with the Zapatista communities and their projects of autonomy and resistance. He occasionally writes communiqués or participates in public events organized by the EZLN or its allies. He also maintains his literary activity, publishing books such as The Uncomfortable Dead (2005), The Storyteller’s Tales (2015), Critical Thought Versus The Capitalist Hydra I (2016), Critical Thought Versus The Capitalist Hydra II (2018), The Hourglass: Time And The Wind (2020), among others.

What is Corte De Caja?

Corte De Caja is the title of the book that contains the interviews that Subcomandante Marcos gave to the journalist Laura Castellanos between 1994 and 2007. The book was published in 2008 by Grijalbo Mondadori, with photographs by Ricardo Trabulsi and design by Alejandro Magallanes. The book’s name means “tallying results” in Spanish, and it refers to the process of evaluating the Zapatista experience and its impact on Mexican society and politics.

In Corte De Caja, Subcomandante Marcos reflects on the successes and failures of the Zapatista rebellion, the changes and continuities in his own role and identity, the relations with other social movements and civil society organizations, the dialogue and confrontation with the Mexican government and the international community, and the prospects for a more democratic, just and pluralistic Mexico. The book also reveals some personal aspects of Marcos’ life, such as his childhood, education, influences, hobbies, tastes and passions.

Corte De Caja has been praised by critics and readers as a valuable resource for anyone who wants to understand the Zapatista phenomenon and its implications for Mexico and the world. It has also been recognized as a fascinating testimony of a revolutionary leader who has inspired millions of people with his words and actions. The book has been translated into several languages, including English, French, Italian, German, Portuguese, Greek, Turkish, Arabic, Japanese, Korean, and Chinese.

What are some reviews of Corte De Caja?

Corte De Caja has received positive reviews from various sources and perspectives. Here are some examples:

  • “Corte De Caja is a book that should be read by anyone interested in contemporary Mexico. It is a lucid and honest account of one of the most important social movements of our time, told by one of its protagonists. It is also a literary work that combines humor and irony with seriousness and commitment, poetry and literature with politics and history.” (Carlos Monsiváis, Mexican writer and journalist)
  • “Corte De Caja is a remarkable document that reveals the complexity and contradiction of Subcomandante Marcos, who combines the charisma of a guerrilla leader with the sensibility of a writer. It is also a profound analysis of the Zapatista movement and its challenges in a globalized world.” (John Berger, British writer and art critic)
  • “Corte De Caja is a book that challenges the conventional wisdom about the Zapatistas and their leader. It shows that behind the mask there is a human being who thinks, feels, doubts, laughs, cries, loves, hates, dreams, and hopes. It also shows that behind the rebellion there is a project of social transformation that goes beyond Chiapas and Mexico.” (Naomi Klein, Canadian writer and activist)


Corte De Caja Subcomandante Marcos Pdf Download is a book that offers a unique insight into the life and thoughts of one of the most influential and controversial figures of our time. It is also a book that explores the history and future of the Zapatista movement, one of the most emblematic and enduring examples of resistance and alternative in a world dominated by neoliberal capitalism. Corte De Caja Subcomandante Marcos Pdf Download is a book that invites us to reflect on the meaning and possibility of social change, democracy, justice, and dignity for all.


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