Most Beautiful Panoramas in the Middle East You Can’t Miss

Most Beautiful Panoramas in the Middle East You Can’t Miss

What’s on your mind about traveling to Middle Eastern countries? Surely what comes to your mind is a religious tourism destination or indeed a destination for worship. But did you know that it turns out that the Middle East has various destinations that can make your eyes widen in awe? Apparently, the Middle East has tourist destinations that invite the attention of world travelers.

Maybe you can choose to visit the Middle East only as a religious destination, but don’t let you miss some spots that offer beautiful views to complete your trip to the Middle East. Fly together to several Middle Eastern countries, then read this article as your guide in finding destinations with the most beautiful panoramas there.

Ain Heet Cave

Located in the city of Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, Ain Heet is one of the famous caves that has amazing views, and there is a lake with clear air. Visitors to the Ain Heet cave spend a lot of their time exploring the cave to see the beauty of the stalagmites and stalagmites, and some tourists even choose to swim in the lake.

Mount Ararat

Türkiye has many natural charms that must be visited, one of which is Mount Ararat. The myth is that this mountain is the place where Noah’s Ark was, and until now this truth is still a question mark for scientists and historians. Mount Ararat is considered sacred by the Armenians because it is considered the home of the gods. It cannot be denied, Mount Ararat does look enchanting with the white snow that covers the top.

Bandar Jissah Beach

Bandar Jissah is a seaside town located in northeastern Oman. The Omani people call it a beach according to their place of residence in the city of Bandar Jissah. Blue sea water and stretches of white sand are the main attractions for travelers to swim, dive and stay at inns on the beach.

Maharloo Lake

Located in the highlands of the Shiraz region, Lake Maharloo has a beauty in its colors, which are young and young. In addition, the air that surrounds this lake has a fairly high salt and potassium content. Not only travelers are mesmerized by the beauty of this lake, but lots of flocks of birds that migrate to this lake to make it an estuary.

Arabian Desert

Reporting from It is the largest desert in West Asia, this desert touches various countries, namely Jordan, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates and Yemen. This Arabian desert contains the Rub’al Khali which is one of the largest bodies of sand in the world. Being the fourth largest desert in the world, the Arabian desert is home to the Bedouins. In this desert, you can also find various date palms, and they can be used for both the people and the fauna that live around the desert.

White Sand Desert

If the Arabian desert has a soft yellow color, it is different from the white desert that stretches across the city of Farafra, Egypt. This desert is known as the Sahara el Beyda. When you visit here and set foot in this desert, it feels like being on another planet. Apart from the white sand, there is also a large limestone rock which is believed to be the reason why this desert has white sand.

Vice Regent Asks Young Generation to Stay Away from Drugs

Vice Regent Asks Young Generation to Stay Away from Drugs

Deputy Regent of Berau Agus Tantomo who is also the Chairman of the Berau District Narcotics Agency (BNK), again reminded the young generation of Berau Regency to stay away from drugs and never try these illicit goods.

The Wabup also invited the young generation of Bumi Batiwakkal to declare war on drugs. Prevention and eradication of drug abuse must be carried out by involving all elements of society, especially the younger generation. Deputy Regent Agus Tantomo said this when giving directions to dozens of students participating in the selection of Berau Regency squad members who took a urine test at the Berau Youth and Sports Service Office, Wednesday (11/4).

The danger of drugs, emphasized the deputy district head, continues to threaten this nation, especially the younger generation, to destroy the future of this nation. Not only drugs, the Wabup also asked the younger generation of Berau to avoid smoking and abstain from consuming alcoholic beverages. Narkoba is an abbreviation of Narcotics, Psychotropics and other Addictive Dangerous Substances. Drugs are now increasingly found among youth and students in various types and forms. The rampant trafficking of narcotics and other illegal drugs among the younger generation is very troubling. The younger generation, which is expected to be the successor of this nation, is falling more and more into drug abuse.

“We must avoid this, because once you fall into drugs it will damage the future of the younger generation who are the next generation of this nation,” he said.

The students who were selected to take part in the selection of paskibra candidates were not only asked to bring the good name of Berau to a bigger stage, but also to bring the good name of their families and schools. Becoming a drug-free generation, continued the Vice Regent, must be made a joint commitment. Be a good role model and together with the government continue to campaign for the prevention and eradication of drugs.

“You are the chosen young generation and are a source of pride, so you must also become role models and role models for the younger generation,” he said.

The dreams you dream of must be prepared from an early age. But that hope, emphasized the deputy district chief, will be shattered when he falls for drugs.

Counseling on the Dangers of Drugs for the Young Generation Directly by the Regent

Deputy Regent Agus Tantomo also provided tips for the younger generation to be free from drugs, including by carrying out various positive activities. Through organizations in the school environment and in the community, be it through religious activities, social activities, including paskibra activities and other activities such as sports, scouts, and the arts.

“Children who fall into the drug circle are sometimes those who don’t have any activities. Unemployed so it is very easy to be tempted to use drugs under the pretext of just experimenting. But when you have tried it, you can be sure that you will be addicted and eventually fall for it, “he said.

In addition, the Wabup advised the younger generation to associate with those who are right. Have friends who remind each other. So that both are disciplined and avoid the dangers of drugs. And most importantly, the younger generation must believe that drugs are self-destructive and destroy the future of the younger generation. To get more complete information, please just visit the website page

The Equator Carnival Event

The Equator Carnival Event

The short conversation on the messaging app will actually take me to Kalimantan. Visiting Pontianak City, to cover the Equator Carnival as a travel blogger on August 22, 2015. In the end, the departure date was moved forward a little, but the travel plans while there were not changed. “Fahmi, where are you?”
That means, this is the second time I have set foot in Borneo after previously visiting neighboring countries, and for the first time coming to Kalimantan. Supposedly, my plan to visit Kalimantan for the first time was September next month in order to explore Borneo. But what was said, my soul mate had already picked me up first to meet Kalimantan. “Again in Jakarta, what’s going on, mas?” I replied with a little curiosity.

“I wanted to take you to Pontianak, the Equator Carnival event on August 22-24”
Jakarta – Pontianak can be reached by flying for a little over 1 hour, almost the same as my flight to Belitung yesterday. Once landed in Pontianak, not much time to rest. After putting our bags at the inn, my blogger friends and I who were going to cover the Equator Carnival immediately headed to the Randakng House on Jalan Sutan Syahrir, Pontianak, West Kalimantan. “You can, mas, that date is empty” I replied. Message sent, I answered confidently, it feels good that the page here this heart will be free from the feeling of depression because I feel like I’m not having a picnic. Even this time, of course, it’s not just a picnic, but concurrent reporting duties as a travel blogger as usual. “Yep, this 22-24 right?” I replied while reconfirming the departure date Can I? fix”

This Radakng house is where the Equator Carnival starts. This event will also be opened by the president of the republic of Indonesia who is accompanied by several ministers including the ministers of education and tourism. Because of that, a few moments before the opening, this place was already filled with Equatorial Carnival participants and also enthusiastic spectators. Dayak traditional clothing, colorful unique costumes can be seen scattered here and there. I don’t know all of them, because there are indeed a lot of traditional clothes for each region throughout Indonesia. Not to forget, various carnival participant vehicles that have been decorated here and there to enliven the Equator Carnival parade.

Recommended Places to Eat Seafood in Jogja

Recommended Places to Eat Seafood in Jogja

Yogyakarta is one of the areas that is often visited by tourists because it offers many tourist attractions. Not only that, you can also try a variety of delicious culinary delights while in Jogja. One of the culinary delights that you can try is processed seafood. You don’t need to be confused about where to go, here’s a list of 7 seafood recommendations in Jogja that you shouldn’t miss.

Seafood Pak Purwanto

If you want to try delicious culinary seafood in Jogja, there’s nothing wrong if you come to Pak Purwanto’s Seafood. This seafood restaurant is quite popular and you can visit it on Jalan Kaliurang KM 4, Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta.

Visitors can try various processed seafood when they come to Pak Purwanto’s Seafood. Some of the seafood options offered include squid, shrimp, crab, clams, and many more. You can also freely choose the sauce used to prepare seafood such as padang sauce, butter sauce, sweet and sour sauce, and black pepper. Complete right?

Seafood Pak Purwanto offers a place that is quite spacious so it is suitable for visiting with friends and family. Because it serves a variety of fresh seafood with delicious spices, it’s no wonder Pak Purwanto’s Seafood is always full of buyers every day. While in Jogja, you can visit Pak Purwanto’s Seafood from 6pm to half past 12pm from Wednesday to Monday.

Bu Bambang’s Grilled Fish

One more place to enjoy delicious seafood in Jogja that you can try is Bu Bambang’s Grilled Fish. This place offers a variety of delicious and appetizing processed seafood. Some of the menu choices that you can try include processed squid, white snapper, grouper, and many more. Not only that, you can also choose several choices of spices such as sweet and sour, oyster sauce, spicy grilled, and many more. You can visit Bu Bambang’s Grilled Fish on Jalan Sagan Baru III No 4, Gondokusuman District, Yogyakarta City.

Seafood Restaurant

Seafood 99 Restaurant is a recommendation for seafood in Jogja that is delicious and you can try it. You can visit the 99 Seafood Restaurant on Jalan Glagahsari, Umbulharjo District, Yogyakarta City.

There are many menu choices that you can try, including Squid Rica Rica, Flour Fried Shrimp, and several other menu choices such as Fried Rice, Fried Noodles, and many more.

In addition to its complete menu choices, Seafood 99 Restaurant also offers visitors a comfortable place and friendly service. You can visit the 99 Seafood Restaurant from 10 am to 10 pm every day.

Ayara Seafood Relaxing Stall

Warung Santai Seafood Ayara is a recommendation for places to enjoy seafood in Jogja that you can visit. This one place offers a lot of appetizing processed seafood. Some of the menu choices offered include processed crab, shrimp, and also squid.

Even though it is processed by frying and boiling, the savory taste offered really spoils the tongue. Enjoying delicious seafood with a portion of warm rice is certainly the right combination and interesting to try.

While in Jogja, you can visit the Ayara Relax Seafood Warung in the Kotabaru area, Gondokusuman District, Yogyakarta City. Besides being spoiled with fresh and delicious seafood dishes, visitors can also enjoy a spacious and comfortable place as well as the various facilities offered such as a parking lot and a garden.

Seafood Pak Jenggot

Pak Jenggot Seafood is one of the right destinations that can be visited for those of you who are looking for a seafood restaurant in Jogja. You can visit one of the popular seafood in Jogja in the Kotabaru area, Gondokusuman District, Yogyakarta City.

There is no need to doubt the delicacy offered on every Pak Jenggot Seafood menu. Pak Jenggot’s Seafood is known to have many customers and is one of the destinations for tourists and food vloggers who come to Jogja.

Several menu options are offered and you can try them including processed crab, squid, shrimp, pomfret, snapper, and several other menus such as seafood fried rice and cah kale. Visitors can also choose the spices or sauces offered, such as sweet and sour, butter, oyster sauce, and padang sauce. When visiting Jogja, there’s nothing wrong if you take the time to come and try the delicious dishes at Pak Jenggot Seafood.

If you are interested in reading articles about recommendations for the best seafood places to eat, you can directly click here.

Swiss Typical Food for Savory Dishes Lovers

Swiss Typical Food for Savory Dishes Lovers

Switzerland is known as a country that has beautiful natural scenery, such as the Alps. But apparently, this country is also a gourmet paradise. This country is famous for its food in the form of melted cheese called fondue as well as chocolate.

Besides cheese and chocolate, there are many Swiss specialties that come from its 26 cantons or districts. The country’s dishes also draw a lot of influence from neighboring countries such as Germany, France and Northern Italy. So, if you are curious about food that comes from Switzerland, keep reading the following article.

Swiss Fondue

Simple and full of delicacy, Swiss Fondue is created to be a treat for friends and family. Simply mix in a cheese or two, then add the garlic and white wine. With a casserole, you can put a candle to let the cheese melt. Then using a long fork, you can enjoy the melted cheese with a slice of bread or a potato. Swiss fondue is usually served with black tea or white wine.

Cordon Bleu

One of the most popular dishes from Switzerland is Swiss cordon bleu. This is an international dish consisting of a piece of meat filled with thin slices of ham and cheese. Generally the cheese is Gruyère cheese, then breaded and fried in hot oil in a pan or baked in the oven.

Usually this dish is prepared from two pieces of meat sandwiched between ham and cheese. The first time the term cordon bleu was found in a cookbook dates back to 1949. Today, there are many types of dishes such as chicken cordon bleu, veal cordon bleu and cordon bleu served with mushroom sauce.

Papets Vaudois

This typical Swiss culinary is also not to be missed. Spicy green onions served with boiled potatoes are perfect to eat as a dessert menu. Papet Vaudois potatoes were previously boiled for hours. Papet Vaudois is also a Swiss specialty in the canton of Vaud. Yes according to the name. In the canton of Vaud, Papet Vaudois is usually served with red sausage which is also famous in this region.

Bircher Muesli

Bircher Muesli is a healthy dish, and is perfect for those of you who are on a diet. Because this Bircher Muesli consists of cereals, vegetables, nuts, lemon juice, sweetened condensed milk, and abundant fruits. This Bircher Muesli was actually created by Dr. Maxinillia Bircher-Benner in 1900. To make healthy food, and healthy lifestyle.


This Raclette is a Swiss cheese made from cow’s milk that will be cooked and left to melt on the counter. So that creates the perfect taste! To enjoy Raclette, Swiss people usually eat it with bread, onions, pickles, charcuterie, and vegetables. Now from the appearance of Raclette it does look beautiful, and delicious!

Saffron Risotto

The quality of Swiss Saffron is among the best and most expensive in the world. The crimson strands of saffron are hand picked. That is why saffron risotto is in great demand. The Swiss make good use of ingredients derived from plants they grow in this canton of the Valais.

This Swiss specialty is a traditional dish in Ticino which is in the southernmost canton of Switzerland. It is a district that borders the Italian regions of Piedmont and Lombardy. Interestingly, Ticino is also a canton in Switzerland whose official language is Italian.

If you are interested in all of these foods, you can try them at marvis pancake house. Because there all the food is available and will not disappoint you.

Must Try These 5 Typical Malaysian Foods!

Must Try These 5 Typical Malaysian Foods!

Malaysia is a country with extraordinary culinary wealth. From traditional cuisine to modern cuisine, everything can be found in Malaysia. However, among the various kinds of typical food that is there, there are five foods that you must try when visiting Malaysia, here is the list

1. Fat Rice

Nasi Lemak is the most famous dish in Malaysia and a favorite breakfast for many. Nasi lemak consists of rice cooked in coconut milk and pandan leaves, served with spicy sambal, anchovies, fried egg, peanuts and sliced cucumber. This dish combines savory and spicy flavors that make it very suitable on the tongue.

2. Roti Canai

Roti Canai is a flatbread that is usually eaten as breakfast or a snack. Roti Canai is usually served with a very tasty curry or dal sauce. Roti Canai can also be served with ingredients such as eggs, sausage, or chicken for added flavor and nutrition.

3. Satay

Satay is a dish of grilled meat cooked in a spicy peanut sauce. Satay consists of pieces of chicken, beef or goat meat cooked over hot coals and served with a rich peanut sauce. This dish is usually served with plain rice and cucumber.

4. Tea Pull

Teh Tarik is a very popular tea drink in Malaysia. Teh Tarik is served with sweetened condensed milk and stirred in a typical Malaysian style called “tarik”. This method makes the tea more frothy and thick. Teh Tarik can be enjoyed as a hot or cold drink.

5. Laksa

According to brook house deli, Laksa is a noodle dish served with a spicy, seasoned Malaysian sauce. Laksa usually consists of rice noodles served with ingredients such as prawns, eggs, bean sprouts, and sliced celery leaves. This dish is very famous in Malaysia and is a favorite of tourists visiting this country.

Popular Indian Food Recommendations

Popular Indian Food Recommendations

Besides Indonesia, India is one country that has a culinary taste that is rich in spices and seasonings with authentic flavors. The use of various Indian spices and vegetables grown in India reflects the wide diversity of climates, demographics and religions. One of the typical spices that are always used in Indian food is garam masala, a spice consisting of cardamom, cinnamon and cloves.

This spice with a strong aroma is too suitable for the tongue of the Indonesian people, moreover it has spread to various countries. Even in big cities in Indonesia, there are currently many restaurants serving Indian specialties as the main menu tasteofindiagrill.

If you haven’t tasted how authentic Indian food is, you probably have to taste the most popular Indian food. In the following, we will provide suggestions for the most popular typical Indian food and you must taste it!


One of the most popular Indian dishes is Samosa. Samosa cakes have fillings such as potatoes, onions, peas, chicken, beef, or lamb. Samosa cake is a cake that is fried or baked. This Indian food is free from eggs and milk, because some Indians like vegetables.


If you used to watch Indian films, laddu is a typical Indian snack that is always served during religious ritual celebrations. This round-shaped snack is made from wheat flour, which is mixed with sugar, then rubbed with animal-based ghee or ghee. The dough is then formed into balls and fried. You will experience a sweet taste and have many other flavors with a customized recipe, such as chopped nuts or raisins.


Chole is a classic curry vegetable dish that is easy to find in India or Indian restaurants in Indonesia. Chole is made from chickpeas which have been soaked overnight. Then, chole is cooked with yogurt, onions, tomatoes, and paste mixed with garlic, ginger, and not to forget the typical Indian curry spices. Usually, this chickpea curry is eaten hot with Indian leavened fried bread, such as poori or bhatura. Bhatura itself is bread without filling in the form of a width that is cooked by frying.


This typical Indian bread is actually very popular and worldwide. Naan is a typical Indian flatbread made from yeast flour. Yeast flour is then mixed with milk, sugar, salt, and garlic, stirred until blended. Then the mixture was cooked using a tandoor, a typical Indian oven. This bread has a soft, soft, and slightly chewy texture. Naan itself is one of the staple foods of India which is usually served with tandoori chicken or used as skin for all types of kebabs.

Here are 4 Advantages of Using a Car Rental Service

Here are 4 Advantages of Using a Car Rental Service

As the times progress, the need for fulfillment of daily needs also increases. Be it primary, tertiary, or secondary needs. The need for transportation in this increasingly modern era is also increasing. The reason is that at this time many consumers choose to use private vehicles such as motorbikes and cars to facilitate their daily life compared to public vehicles.

Circumstances like this make business people realize a very large and profitable opportunity, namely car rental. Car rental services make it easy for you and other consumers to fulfill their daily transportation needs. Using this car rental service, provides many unexpected benefits.

4 Advantages of Using Car Rental Services

Talking about car rental issues will certainly provide many benefits for you. Here are some reasons why you will be more confident when you rent a car in Semarang off the key. Here are some of the advantages by tampa car service:

1. Lots of Fleet Options

The advantage that we will get when renting a car is the many choices of types of fleet available. Cars of any brand are definitely available in car rental services. Of course the price will adjust to the facilities you will get. Like for example a car with spacious cabin facilities and accommodates 8 people, of course the rental price offered is higher.

2. Save Cost, Time And Energy

The second advantage is that you can save costs when renting a car compared to buying a car. Of course the costs incurred when renting a car are cheaper than buying a car. This is seen from short-term use. If you want to use a car in the short term, of course you have to choose a car rental.

In addition, by using a car rental service you can save energy. The reason is you can rent a car with a driver who is ready to take you wherever you go. If you use a car rental service with a driver, you can rest yourself while traveling. So when you arrive at your destination you won’t feel tired and tired.

3. Safe and Fast Rental Process

The third advantage of renting a car is that you can make the rental process safely and quickly without worrying about any disturbances. Especially in this all-digital era, many transaction processes have switched to using online methods. Like when you’re looking for a rental car, you can simply browse the internet and then call the number listed. This is of course worrying for those of you who are renting a car for the first time.

The reason is that there are so many frauds that occur online, you don’t need to worry about that. Because the car rental process is guaranteed to be safe and fast. The transactions you make are guaranteed to be safe and the car you rent will arrive in your hands quickly and safely.

4. Many services are offered

The fourth advantage is the number of services offered. The point is that when you decide to rent a car you can get various choices. Among them, you can rent a car off the key or with a driver. A keyless car rental provides distinct benefits for those of you who don’t want their privacy to be disturbed. You can drive the car as you like wherever you want.

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