SriShodashaBahuNarasimhaAshtakamWrittenBySriVijayendraTirtha 🔷


SriShodashaBahuNarasimhaAshtakamWrittenBySriVijayendraTirtha: A Powerful Stotra to Lord Narasimha

Lord Narasimha is one of the most revered and worshipped forms of Lord Vishnu, the supreme protector of the universe. He is depicted as a half-man and half-lion, who incarnated to save his devotee Prahlada from the tyranny of his father Hiranyakashipu, a demon king who had obtained a boon of invincibility from Lord Brahma.

Lord Narasimha is also known as the Lord of Yoga, who bestows spiritual knowledge and liberation to his sincere devotees. He has many forms and names, each representing a different aspect of his divine qualities and powers. One of his most magnificent and rare forms is Sri Shodasha Bahu Narasimha, or the Sixteen-Armed Narasimha.

What is SriShodashaBahuNarasimhaAshtakamWrittenBySriVijayendraTirtha?

SriShodashaBahuNarasimhaAshtakamWrittenBySriVijayendraTirtha is a Sanskrit hymn composed by Sri Vijayendra Tirtha, a great saint and scholar who lived in the 16th century CE. He was the head of the Madhva sect of Vaishnavism, which follows the teachings of Sri Madhvacharya, one of the prominent philosophers and exponents of Vedanta.

Sri Vijayendra Tirtha was a devotee of Lord Narasimha and had a vision of his Sixteen-Armed form in his meditation. He was inspired to write this hymn as an expression of his love and gratitude to the Lord. The hymn consists of eight verses, each describing the beauty, glory and attributes of Sri Shodasha Bahu Narasimha.

How to Chant SriShodashaBahuNarasimhaAshtakamWrittenBySriVijayendraTirtha?

The best time to chant this hymn is in the morning or evening, preferably during the Brahma Muhurta (the auspicious time before sunrise) or the Sandhya (the twilight time). One should sit in a clean and comfortable place, facing east or north, and invoke the presence of Lord Narasimha in one’s heart. One should chant the hymn with devotion and concentration, repeating each verse three times.

One can also chant this hymn before or after performing any ritual or worship to Lord Narasimha, such as offering flowers, fruits, incense, lamps or food. One can also chant this hymn as a part of one’s daily prayers or meditation practice.

What are the Benefits of Chanting SriShodashaBahuNarasimhaAshtakamWrittenBySriVijayendraTirtha?

Chanting this hymn has many benefits for the devotees of Lord Narasimha. Some of them are:

  • It removes all kinds of obstacles and difficulties in one’s life and grants success and prosperity.
  • It protects one from all kinds of enemies and dangers, both seen and unseen, and grants courage and confidence.
  • It bestows wisdom and intelligence and enhances one’s learning and memory power.
  • It purifies one’s mind and heart and removes all sins and negative tendencies.
  • It awakens one’s devotion and love for Lord Narasimha and grants his grace and blessings.
  • It leads one to the ultimate goal of life, which is liberation from the cycle of birth and death.
The Meaning of SriShodashaBahuNarasimhaAshtakamWrittenBySriVijayendraTirtha

The following is a brief summary of the meaning of each verse of this hymn. For a detailed explanation, one can refer to the commentaries written by various scholars and devotees.

  1. The first verse praises Lord Narasimha as the supreme Lord of all beings, who has sixteen arms holding various weapons and symbols. He is the destroyer of the demon Hiranyakashipu and the protector of his devotee Prahlada. He is also the source of all knowledge and bliss.
  2. The second verse describes the beauty and splendor of Lord Narasimha’s form, which is adorned with jewels, garlands, ornaments and clothes. He has a radiant face with a smiling mouth, sharp teeth, fiery eyes and curly hair. He is surrounded by his consorts Lakshmi and Bhumi, who serve him with love.
  3. The third verse glorifies Lord Narasimha as the master of all the worlds, who has created, sustained and dissolved them by his will. He is also the lord of all the gods, sages, saints and devotees, who worship him with reverence. He is also the lord of Yoga, who grants liberation to those who meditate on him.
  4. The fourth verse extols Lord Narasimha as the embodiment of all virtues, such as truth, righteousness, compassion, generosity and forgiveness. He is also the giver of all boons, such as wealth, health, happiness and peace. He is also the remover of all fears, such as disease, old age, death and rebirth.
  5. The fifth verse salutes Lord Narasimha as the conqueror of all enemies, such as lust, anger, greed, pride and envy. He is also the destroyer of all evils, such as ignorance, delusion, attachment and egoism. He is also the dispeller of all sorrows, such as pain, grief, anxiety and depression.
  6. The sixth verse acknowledges Lord Narasimha as the witness of all actions, thoughts and feelings of every living being. He is also the judge of all deeds, good or bad, and rewards or punishes them accordingly. He is also the teacher of all scriptures, such as Vedas, Upanishads and Bhagavad Gita.
  7. The seventh verse expresses gratitude to Lord Narasimha for his kindness and mercy towards his devotees. He is always ready to help them in times of need and to fulfill their desires. He is also always present in their hearts and minds and guides them on the right path.
  8. The eighth verse requests Lord Narasimha to bless the devotee with his grace and love. It also asks him to grant the devotee a pure mind, a devoted heart and a surrendered soul. It also asks him to grant the devotee the highest goal of life, which is to attain his lotus feet.

SriShodashaBahuNarasimhaAshtakamWrittenBySriVijayendraTirtha is a wonderful hymn that praises and worships Lord Narasimha in his Sixteen-Armed form. It is a hymn that expresses the devotion and gratitude of Sri Vijayendra Tirtha, a great saint and scholar who had a vision of the Lord in his meditation. It is a hymn that reveals the beauty, glory and attributes of the Lord, who is the supreme protector, master, giver, conqueror, witness, judge, teacher and lover of his devotees. It is a hymn that bestows many benefits to those who chant it with faith and sincerity. It is a hymn that leads one to the ultimate goal of life, which is to attain the lotus feet of the Lord.

Therefore, let us chant this hymn with devotion and concentration, and experience the grace and love of Lord Narasimha in our lives. Let us also follow the example of Sri Vijayendra Tirtha and dedicate our lives to the service and worship of the Lord. Let us also seek the guidance and blessings of Sri Madhvacharya and his followers, who have shown us the path of pure Vaishnavism. Let us also pray to Lord Narasimha to protect us from all evils and sorrows, and to grant us wisdom and liberation.

Om Namo Narayanaya!

How to Learn SriShodashaBahuNarasimhaAshtakamWrittenBySriVijayendraTirtha?

If you want to learn this hymn and chant it properly, you need to follow some steps. First, you need to find a reliable source of the hymn, such as a book, a website or an audio recording. You can also refer to the original Sanskrit text and its transliteration in English or any other language. Second, you need to learn the meaning of the hymn, either by reading a commentary or by listening to a lecture by a qualified teacher. You can also use a dictionary or a glossary to understand the meaning of each word and phrase. Third, you need to practice the pronunciation and intonation of the hymn, either by following a teacher or by listening to a recording. You can also use a meter or a tune to chant the hymn rhythmically and melodiously.

By following these steps, you will be able to learn this hymn and chant it correctly and confidently. You will also be able to appreciate the beauty and depth of this hymn and its message. You will also be able to experience the benefits and blessings of this hymn in your life.

What are Some Other Hymns to Lord Narasimha?

Lord Narasimha is one of the most popular and widely worshipped forms of Lord Vishnu. He has inspired many devotees and poets to compose various hymns and songs in his praise. Some of these hymns are:

  • Narasimha Kavacham: A protective armor that invokes the protection of Lord Narasimha from all dangers and enemies. It is attributed to Prahlada, the son of Hiranyakashipu and the foremost devotee of Lord Narasimha.
  • Narasimha Ashtottara Shatanama Stotram: A list of 108 names of Lord Narasimha, each describing a different aspect of his form and qualities. It is recited as a part of daily prayers or worship.
  • Narasimha Karavalamba Stotram: A prayer that seeks the refuge and support of Lord Narasimha in times of distress and difficulty. It is composed by Adi Shankaracharya, one of the greatest philosophers and reformers of Hinduism.
  • Lakshmi Narasimha Karuna Rasa Stotram: A prayer that expresses the devotion and love for Lord Narasimha and his consort Lakshmi, who are the source of compassion and grace. It is composed by Vedanta Desika, one of the prominent teachers and poets of Sri Vaishnavism.
  • Prahlada Charitam: A narrative that tells the story of Prahlada and his devotion to Lord Narasimha, who saved him from his father’s persecution. It is part of the Bhagavata Purana, one of the most sacred scriptures of Hinduism.

These are some of the famous and popular hymns to Lord Narasimha that are chanted and sung by his devotees across the world. There are many more hymns that praise and worship Lord Narasimha in various languages and styles. By chanting these hymns, one can express one’s devotion and gratitude to Lord Narasimha and seek his grace and guidance.

Who is Sri Vijayendra Tirtha?

Sri Vijayendra Tirtha was a great saint and scholar who lived in the 16th century CE. He was the head of the Madhva sect of Vaishnavism, which follows the teachings of Sri Madhvacharya, one of the prominent philosophers and exponents of Vedanta. He was also the guru of Sri Raghavendra Tirtha, another famous saint and miracle-worker of the Madhva sect.

Sri Vijayendra Tirtha was born in a Brahmin family in Karnataka, India. He was initiated into the Madhva order by his guru Sri Sudhindra Tirtha at a young age. He studied the Vedas, Upanishads, Puranas and other scriptures under his guru and other teachers. He also mastered various branches of knowledge, such as grammar, logic, poetry and music.

Sri Vijayendra Tirtha traveled extensively across India and visited many holy places and temples. He also debated and defeated many scholars and opponents of different schools of thought, such as Advaita, Shaiva, Shakti and Jainism. He also wrote many books and commentaries on various topics, such as Vedanta, Bhakti, Yoga and Dharma.

Sri Vijayendra Tirtha was a devotee of Lord Narasimha and had a vision of his Sixteen-Armed form in his meditation. He was inspired to write SriShodashaBahuNarasimhaAshtakamWrittenBySriVijayendraTirtha as an expression of his love and gratitude to the Lord. He also established many temples and mutts dedicated to Lord Narasimha and his worship.

Sri Vijayendra Tirtha attained samadhi (the state of final liberation) at Kumbakonam in Tamil Nadu, India. His mortal remains are enshrined in a temple there. He is revered and remembered by his followers and devotees as a great saint and scholar who propagated the Madhva philosophy and the worship of Lord Narasimha.

What is the Madhva Sect of Vaishnavism?

The Madhva sect of Vaishnavism is one of the major sub-sects of Vaishnavism, which is one of the major branches of Hinduism. Vaishnavism is the worship of Lord Vishnu as the supreme God and his various incarnations, such as Rama, Krishna and Narasimha. The Madhva sect was founded by Sri Madhvacharya in the 13th century CE. He was also known as Ananda Tirtha or Purnaprajna.

The Madhva sect follows the dualistic philosophy of Dvaita Vedanta, which asserts that there is a real and eternal difference between God, soul and matter. God is the independent and supreme reality, who is the cause and controller of everything. Soul is the dependent and finite reality, who is the effect and servant of God. Matter is the inert and insentient reality, which is the object and instrument of God’s will.

The Madhva sect emphasizes the importance of Bhakti (devotion) as the means to attain God’s grace and liberation from the cycle of birth and death. It also advocates the practice of Dharma (righteousness) as the way to please God and purify one’s mind. It also recognizes the role of Jnana (knowledge) as the tool to understand God’s nature and attributes.

The Madhva sect has produced many saints, scholars, poets and musicians who have enriched the spiritual and cultural heritage of India. Some of them are Sri Jayatirtha, Sri Vyasatirtha, Sri Raghavendra Tirtha, Sri Vijayendra Tirtha, Sri Vadiraja Tirtha, Sri Kanaka Dasa, Sri Purandara Dasa and Sri Narahari Tirtha.


In this article, we have learned about SriShodashaBahuNarasimhaAshtakamWrittenBySriVijayendraTirtha, a wonderful hymn that praises and worships Lord Narasimha in his Sixteen-Armed form. We have also learned about Sri Vijayendra Tirtha, the great saint and scholar who composed this hymn and propagated the Madhva sect of Vaishnavism. We have also learned about the meaning, benefits and methods of chanting this hymn and some other hymns to Lord Narasimha.

We hope that this article has inspired you to chant this hymn and experience the grace and love of Lord Narasimha in your life. We also hope that this article has increased your knowledge and appreciation of the Madhva philosophy and the worship of Lord Narasimha. We also hope that this article has motivated you to learn more about the rich and diverse spiritual and cultural traditions of India.

Thank you for reading this article. May Lord Narasimha bless you with his protection, prosperity and liberation.[3].md[hacked]


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