Things You Need to Pay Attention to When Doing Sports

Things You Need to Pay Attention to When Doing Sports

Apart from that, make sure to choose a type of sport that suits your abilities and physical condition. Because, forcing yourself or doing exercise that is too heavy will only worsen your health condition and increase the risk of injury.

Apart from the types of exercise mentioned above, there are several things you need to pay attention to when doing exercise so that it can provide optimal results and maintain health. Here are some tips that you need to pay attention to when exercising.

1. Heating and Cooling

Reporting from the World Health Organization (WHO), before starting exercise, make sure to warm up first. Warming up can help improve blood circulation, increase body flexibility, and reduce the risk of injury. After completing exercise, make sure to cool down to help reduce muscle tension and prevent injury.

2. Pay Attention to Nutritional Intake

Apart from exercising, make sure you always pay attention to proper nutritional intake. Consuming a healthy and balanced diet can help speed up muscle recovery and provide sufficient energy for exercise.

3. Get Enough Rest

Getting enough rest is very important to help the body recover after exercise. Therefore, don’t forget to give your body rest by sleeping for 7-8 hours every night.

4. Drink Enough Water

When exercising, make sure to stay hydrated by drinking enough water. Lack of fluids in the body can affect exercise performance and cause dehydration which can endanger health.

These are the tips you need to pay attention to when exercising. By doing the right exercise and adopting a healthy lifestyle, you will get the dream of living a healthy and youthful life.

Benefits of Exercise for the Body and Health

Make time for yourself to exercise. Exercise is not just for losing weight. The importance of exercise for health is more than that.

Exercise is physical activity to strengthen muscles and bones, and make the body healthy. Sports that you can do yourself include running, swimming, cycling or brisk walking. Meanwhile, sports are played with other people, such as football, badminton, table tennis, and many more.

Whatever the sport, activating all parts of the body is beneficial physically, mentally and for longevity. The five benefits of exercise below are no exception, which are sometimes forgotten or underestimated.

Makes Skin Healthy

Want your skin to look healthy and glowing? Sport. The reason is, regular moderate exercise can increase blood flow as well as the body’s production of natural antioxidants. The antioxidant function can protect cells, including skin cells. As a result, the skin is healthy and glowing. Balance exercise by consuming a variety of vegetables and berries (strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, blueberries) which are rich in antioxidants and are foods that are good for heart disease.

Good For Brain and Memory

It seems trivial, but exercising will improve brain function and memory. Technically, exercising will increase your heart rate which increases blood and oxygen flow to the brain. On the other hand, this physical activity stimulates the production of hormones that increase brain cell growth. As a result, exercise can improve brain function and protect memory for thinking. On the other hand, if you are lazy about exercising and don’t maintain your nutritional intake, it will make your body obese. It is not impossible for the body to suffer from hypertension, diabetes or stroke.

Helps Relaxation

The tension that occurs while at the office can make you tired, dizzy, and even disrupt your sleep. Not a few people take for granted not getting enough sleep or getting enough sleep but when they wake up, their heads become dizzy. The worst thing will make your emotions unstable, disrupt your relationships with co-workers, and even affect your psychology.

If so, you need relaxation. And you can get relaxation with exercise. Exercise can stimulate the relaxation process when a person sleeps. Increasing body temperature during exercise is also thought to improve sleep quality website.

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